Pope Says Parents Shouldn’t Condemn Their Gay Children

Pope Francis Says Parents Shouldn’t Condemn Their Gay Children

The Vatican retracted one of his statements after suggestions he may be labeling homosexuality a "mental illness." Pope Francis, in his interaction with reporters

Pope Francis Refuses to Speak on Claims That He Covered up Abuse, Archbishop Viganò Calling for Pope's Resignation

Pope Francis Refuses to Speak on Claims of Abuse Cover Up, Archbishop Viganò Calls for Pope’s Resignation

Conservative broad shot at a comparatively liberal pope Just as Pope Francis wrapped up his mission to Ireland, Carlo Maria Viganò, once a top-ranking

Freedom from Religion Foundation Denounces Catholic Church

Freedom From Religion Foundation Denounces Catholic Church

FFRF stands up to hold child sexual abusers accountable. A recent grand jury report has revealed some of the worst abuse known in the

Catholic Family Conference Hears LGBTQ Appeal

Catholic Family Conference Hears LGBTQ Appeal

American Priest said the Vatican breaks up God's family when it excludes LGBT Catholics. James Martin, an American Jesuit priest, told delegates of World

Irish Protest “Say Nope to The Pope”

Irish Protest Pope Francis’ Visit: “Say Nope to The Pope”

Taoiseach Varadkar has criticized the campaign, terming it petty. Many Irish applied for tickets to the mass scheduled to be celebrated in Dublin's Phoenix

Pope Letter Urges to Pray and Fast for Child Sex Abuse Victims

Pope’s Letter Urges to Pray and Fast for Child Sex Abuse Victims

Nothing, however, has actually been implemented on the ground Pope Francis wrote a "Letter to the People of God" in which he requests readers

Pope Francis Issues Response to Pennsylvania's Catholic Church Sex Abuse Document

Pope Francis Issues Response to Pennsylvania’s Catholic Church Sex Abuse Report

The Vatican criticized “predator priests.” Pope Francis, the supreme head of Roman Catholic Church, wrote a letter a week after a 877-page report was

Argentine Movement to Quit the Catholic Church

Argentine Movement to Quit the Catholic Church

The Collective Apostasy event helps people to leave the Catholic Church. The Argentine capital city of Buenos Aires witnessed hundreds of people signing on

Pope Francis Urges Action Rather Than Apathy in Fight Against Evil

Pope Francis Urges Action Rather Than Apathy in Fight Against Evil

"If we do not oppose evil, we feed it tacitly." Often religious people struggle with the question of whether it is enough for them

Rainbow Catholics Denied Participation in World Meeting of Families

Global Network of Rainbow Catholics Denied Participation in World Meeting of Families

No space available for a Global Network of Rainbow Catholics stall at World Meeting of Families. The Global Network of Rainbow Catholics (GNRC) didn’t