Filipino President Attacks Christians And Calls God “Stupid”

Filipino President Duterte Attacks Christians and Calls God “Stupid”

President Rodrigo Duterte Continues to Make Controversial Statements About Religion President Rodrigo Duterte has a personal grudge against Christianity. He has continuously used his

Angry Priest Fired For Smacking Baby During Baptism

Angry Priest Fired For Smacking Baby During Baptism

Father Jacques Lacroix spoke of being ashamed when he was filmed slapping a baby boy during his baptism ceremony.[/tweetit] The 89-year-old trended online after

Pope Francis Slams Trump’s Immigration Policy As “Immoral”

Pope Francis Calls Trump “Immoral” on Immigration

Leader Of The Catholic Church Continues To Speak Out For Social Justice Pope Francis heavily criticized the Trump administration’s policy to separate parents from

Pope Francis Slams Trump’s Immigration Policy As “Immoral”

Pope Francis Compares Abortion to Nazi Hate Crimes

Pope Francis decried the present “throwaway” culture. Pope Francis sharply denounced the practice of abortion[/tweetit] during an interaction with Italy's Family Association delegation in

Has Pope Francis Revealed He Is A Fake Liberal?

Has Pope Francis Revealed He ‘s a Fake Liberal?

Pontiff’s Statements On Nazis, Abortions, and Gay Marriage Are Quite Revealing Pope Francis has been called the “people’s pope.” A jovial figure smiling with

How A Catholic Priest Forever Changed Surfing Culture

How A Catholic Priest Forever Changed Surfing Culture

Honoring of Reverend Christian Mondor Proves His Last Impact Reverend Christian Mondor was the first Catholic priest to be honored in the Surf Hall

Family Rally Pope Francis is Attending Will have a speech on Welcoming Gays

Family Rally Pope Francis is Attending Will Have a Speech on Welcoming Gays

The Irish have increasingly voted to isolate themselves from traditional Catholic principles Pope Francis' Dublin visit will land him in a country whose citizens

3 Priests Murdered In the Philippines For Criticizing President Duterte

3 Priests Murdered In the Philippines For Criticizing President Duterte

The Catholic Church Has Taken A More Active Role In Blaming President Duterte For Human Rights Abuses It should be no surprise that Father

Pope Francis Defends Environment By Attacking The Oil Industry

Pope Francis Defends Environment By Attacking The Oil Industry

Pope Franics Told Oil Executives They Need To Care About The Environment Pope Francis, on June 9, warned influential oil executives and other top

Pope’s Image Stomped on By Hindu Nationalist

Hindu Nationalists Stomp on Photo of Pope Francis

Hardline Hindu group calls for a Christian-free India Om Swami Maharaj, a controversial Hindu leader, known for his Hindutva or hardline Hindu views, led