Catholic Church Attendance Continues to Drop

Catholic Church Attendance Continues to Drop

1950 to 1970 was the worst for the Catholic Church Fewer American Catholics regularly attend church compared to the past.[/tweetit] A Gallup poll found

Stephen Colbert Catholic

Stephen Colbert Is More Religious Than You Think

How His Faith Guided His Career Stephen Colbert’s unique brand of satire has made him one of the most iconic comedians in the 21st

TV Streaming

Religions Embrace Broadcast TV and Streaming to Spread their Message, Will You Watch?

World Religions’ Live Streaming Content and Video-on-Demand With over 118 million households having access to television around the world, religious broadcasting is a fairly

The Top 4 Religions of the World

The Top 4 Religions of the World

Based on numbers, the third largest group is the religiously unaffiliated. Four principal religions dominate the world.[/tweetit] These four are followed by approximately 80

Pope Francis Seems to Show Support for Palestinians

Pope Francis Seems to Show Support for Palestinians

17 dead, Thousands injured at the Israeli-Gaza border Pope Francis asked for “reconciliation for Holy Land” during his Easter Sunday speech.[/tweetit] His words referenced

These People Actually Crucify Themselves For Easter

These People Actually Crucify Themselves For Easter

Group in Philippines Practice A Combination of Folk Spiritualism and Christianity On this coming Easter, many will celebrate the resurrection of Jesus by going

Control of the '.bible' Domain

The ‘.bible’ Domain Should Not Be Controlled by American Bible Society

The Internet version, like the original, should be available to all Ongoing debates on net neutrality open the war between the open source, free

Heart Warming Story Of Pope Granting Child's Wish

Heart Warming Story of Pope Granting Child’s Wish

Pope Francis Went Above and Beyond to Give Child Cured of Leukemia His Dream 12-year-old Peter Lombardi wanted a kiss. Born with Down Syndrome,

Why Priests Should Be Paid Bonuses

Why Priests Should Be Paid Bonuses

A Different Approach to Declining Church Attendance The Catholic Church is in a bit of a crisis. Even with the surging popularity of Pope

Catholics in Scotland Victims of Hate Crimes

Catholics in Scotland Are the Biggest Targets of Hate Crimes

About 15 percent of Scots are Catholic Elaine Smith, a member of the Scottish Parliament, has asked the Scots administration to recognize the increasing