Nun Suing Katy Perry Dies in Court

Nun Suing Katy Perry Dies in Court

Real Estate Dispute Over Former Convent purchased by Katy Perry. Sister Catherine Rose Holzman collapsed in court and died in Los Angeles, while she

Archbishop Oscar Romero to be Canonized

Murdered Salvadoran Archbishop Oscar Romero to be Canonized

Vatican will canonize Oscar Romero and Paul VI The Vatican made an important announcement on Wednesday stating that Pope Francis has made it possible

UN Warned of Religious Animosity by Vatican Official

Archbishop Ivan Jurkovic does not like “freedom from religion” phrase. Archbishop Ivan Jurkovic, a Vatican observer to the UN agencies located in Geneva, has

Why Are Exorcisms Making a Comeback?

Why Are Exorcisms Making a Comeback?

Both Individuals and the Catholic Church believe demonic possession is on the rise. Do you know someone speaking in a language they don’t know?

Pence Feels Confident Abortion Will End, Even as Infighting Occurs

Pence Feels Confident Abortion Will End, Even as Infighting Occurs

In Texas the Fight Between the Catholic Church and Right to Life Group shows different tactics in the battle to end abortion Vice President

Jerusalem Holy Site Closed Doors in Protest

Jerusalem Holy Site Closed in Protest

Jerusalem municipality clarifies stand, saying that worship structures will not be taxed Jerusalem's church leaders on February 25 bolted the doors of Church of

Why Catholic Women Could Transform America and The Church

Why Catholic Women Could Transform America and The Church

WRN Interviewed Kerry Weber, the executive editor of America Magazine, on a startling new survey of Catholic women and its implication for America Whenever

Irish Schools Forced to Decrease Religious Education

Irish Schools Forced to Decrease Religious Education

Part of the Continued Decrease of Influence for Catholic Church in Country Irish schools will have to change their education options for tens of

Pope Francis Announces Canonization of Paul VI

Pope Francis Announces Canonization of Paul VI

The pontiff joked he is waiting in line for being made a saint. Pope Francis confirmed to priests of Rome that Pope Paul VI

After Priest Deaths, Mexican Diocese Pulls Nuns from Violent Mexican City

After Priest Deaths, Mexican Diocese Pulls Nuns from Violent Mexican City

The church declined to say the number of nuns it has withdrawn. The Chilpancingo-Chilapa Diocese, a Roman Catholic Diocese, has moved all nuns from