Hong Kong Catholics Opposing Vatican Deal

Hong Kong Catholics Opposing Vatican Deal

They felt betrayed by the new agreement Hong Kong Catholics amped up their opposition to a controversial rapprochement between Beijing and the Vatican by

Why Are Catholics Calling off Valentine’s Day This Year?

Why Are Catholics Calling off Valentine’s Day This Year?

The rare colliding of two holidays has many Catholic Priests arguing to delay Valentine’s Day. You may want to cancel that meal reservation. Champagne

The Battle Within The Catholic Church for the Remains of America’s First Televangelist

The Battle Within The Catholic Church for the Remains of America’s First Televangelist

Bishop Fulton Sheen’s canonization has been held up as a result A ruling this month has continued an ongoing fight over the body of

Renew Your Faith with Prayer and Charity this Lent

Pope Says Renew Your Faith with Prayer and Charity this Lent

Giving of alms counters greed Pope Francis urged Catholics to use the coming Lenten season to renew their faith.[/tweetit] He told them to use

German Cardinal Supports Blessing Same-Sex Marriage

German Cardinal Supports Same-Sex Blessing Ceremonies

Decisions must, however, be taken at the individual level Reinhard Marx, the progressive German Cardinal, waded into controversial ecclesiastical territory when he said homosexual

Vatican and China Bishops

Vatican and China are Patching Up Dispute Over Bishops

The Asian country remains the last spiritual challenge for the Vatican The Vatican and the People's Republic of China have reached an agreement to

Should Christians Boycott the Super Bowl?

Should Christians Boycott the Super Bowl?

Game May Violate What It Means To Be A Good Christian On Sunday, over 100 million people will watch the Philadelphia Eagles battle the

Catholic Holiday to Celebrate Blessing of Throats and Saint Blaise

Catholic Holiday to Celebrate Blessing of Throats and Saint Blaise

Commenorates Saint Blaise Saving a Child From Choking According to historical records Saint Blaise was of noble birth. He was born in Armenia and

Pope Francis Says Those Who Make Up Stories Utilize ‘Snake Tactics’

Pope Francis Says Those Who Make Up Stories Utilize ‘Snake Tactics’

Pope said the first fake news was in the Garden of Eden On Catholic feast day of Francis de Sales, Pope Francis had an

Why The Catholic Church Needs a #METOO Moment

Why The Catholic Church Needs a #METOO Moment

Needs to Facilitate Discussion To Battle History of Abuse The recent news that Casey Affleck has withdrawn as an Academy Awards presenter over accusations