Climate Change Deniers Have “Perverse Attitudes” Says Pope Francis

The Pope blames humans for global warming. Pope Francis unequivocally denounced global warming deniers[/tweetit] as he requested climate talks negotiators in Germany not to

Should Confessionals Be Confidential?

Should Catholic Confessionals Be Confidential?

Is This Allowing Crimes To Go Unpunished? The Catholic Church provides that it is the unconditional obligation of priests to keep whatever information is

Catholic Priest Key to Solve Zimbabwe Crisis

Catholic Priest Key For Solving Zimbabwe Crisis

Negotiating The Abdictation of Power of President Mugabe Reverend Fidelis Mukonori, a Jesuit priest, is hope for many when it comes to Zimbabwe's peaceful

Why Did The Pope Get A Lamborghini

Why Did The Pope Get A Lamborghini?

Specially Made Car Cost Over $250,000 Pope Francis was on Wednesday gifted a custom-made Lamborghini Huracán, delivered to him at the Vatican by the

American spirituality

Examining the “Spiritual, not Religious” in America

The spirituals are found to be more helpful and empathetic A survey conducted by Public Religion Research Institute has resulted in findings which surpass

Religion Can Be Used to Eliminate Nuclear Weapons

Can Religion Help End Nuclear Weapons?

Vatican Conference Gathered Leaders to Discuss How to End Weapons of Mass Destruction This past weekend the Vatican hosted the “Prospects for a World

Vatican Stop Smelling Cigarettes

Vatican To Stop Selling Cigarettes

Cigarettes are the Vatican's second highest source of revenue. Pope Francis, on Thursday, announced the Vatican is banning the sale of cigarettes in its

European Union Fractured Over Christian Rights

Poland Attacks Europe Union For Censoring Christian Traditions

Prime Minister Beata Syzdlo Argues Against Immigration and Catholic Rights Poland wants to avoid the ‘ideological censorship’ of Christian traditions in the European Union,

Indonesian Law Requiring Citizens to Identify with 1 of 6 Religions is Overturned

Citizens can now list their own faith; no longer limited to six religion choices on ID cards. In a historic feat, Indonesia has recently

Will Priests Soon Be Allowed To Marry?

Will Catholic Priests Soon Be Allowed To Marry?

Pope Francis wants to change ancient tradition of celibacy. Pope Francis has requested Catholic priests be allowed to marry. This is because of the