Philippines Catholic leaders against drug campaign killings

Catholic Leaders in Philippines at Forefront of Campaign to End Drug War

Faith leaders speak out against police killing spree Luis Tagle, the Cardinal of Manila, and head of the Catholic Church in Philippines has severely

State Constitutions

Did You Know There Is a Mention of God in Every State Constitution?

States having more mentions surprisingly are found to be least religious As per an analysis by Pew Research Center, God or the divine is

Chinese Flag Flying

China Angrily Lashes Out At Criticism of Religious Persecution

Rejects State Department Report by "Imperfect" United States China responded to the criticism put forth by the United States in which the US Secretary

Sam Well Preacher

Over 4,000 Faith Leaders Want Trump to Keep Johnson Amendment

President Trump has signed the executive order to stymie the law About 4,000 faith leaders from different religions have given their signatures to a

Clergy march in Charlottesville, Virginia

Clergy march in protest through Charlottesville and confront white supremacists

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Cardinal Daniel N DiNardo

Cardinal Daniel DiNardo strongly condemns Charlottesville hatred & violence

Cardinal Daniel DiNardo, President of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops issued a statement in response to the violence at the white supremacist rally


Report Says Atheists Are More “Morally Depraved” than the Religious

The attitude is due to ingrained religious belief. An international study conducted by Nature Human Behavior, a journal, revealed that atheists are suspected in

Vatican warns US Catholic of alliance of hate

Vatican Warns US Catholics About Alliance of ‘Hate’ with Evangelicals

Vatican proposes inclusiveness, the US Catholics do not U.S. Catholic conservatives are being warned by the Vatican about their alliance of "hate" forged with

Nun Conducts Catholic Wedding Because There Aren’t Enough Priests

Sister Pierrette Thiffault received permission from the Vatican to perform the ceremony. Sister Pierrette Thiffault, a Catholic nun, officiated a wedding in Canada.[/tweetit] With

Priests Turned Away From Bar After Being Mistaken for a Bachelor Party

After realizing their mistake, the pub treated the clergy men to free drinks. The City Arms pub in Cardiff, England, requested seven Catholic priests