How Music Festivals and Religion are Intertwined

The connection between faith and music is undeniable, especially in the context of music festivals. "Music is a moral law. It gives soul to

The Bible is in 87% of American Households

Bible-reading habits in America are now showing a positive trend. The Bible is in 87% of American Households[/tweetthis] This news comes as a matter

Pope Francis and U.S. Bishop Have Conflicting Opinions on Giving to Beggars

U.S. Bishop says not to give to panhandlers, while Pope Francis says the opposite. The conflict in the Catholic Church between American bishops and

Catholic-Majority Puerto Rico Celebrates 100 Years of U.S. Citizenship

Some key information on Puerto Ricans in anticipation of their 100th year of citizenship. As Puerto Rico enters its 100th year of American citizenship,

Pope Francis Demands Help for Iraqi Citizens

Pope calls for help to prevent civilian casualties in the battle for Mosul. Pope Francis has called for the protection of civilians in Iraq[/tweetit]

5 Religious Figures in Fortune’s 50 Greatest Leaders 2017

Men and women of Fortune's World's Greatest Leaders list are transforming the world. Fortune's World's Greatest Leaders ranking is an annual list of leaders

Archdiocese of Mexico Says Mexicans Who Help Build Trump’s Wall are “Traitors”

Editorial by the Archdiocese condemned the Mexican government for not being tough with Mexican companies that intend to help in the wall construction. The

Florida Senate Votes to Allow Students to Express Religion on School Grounds

The bill does have its share of detractors with some fearing that it infringes too heavily upon the separation of church and state. Last

Anti-Islamophobia Bill Passes in Canada

The M-103 bill to condemn religious discrimination passed 201 to 91 on Thursday. Canada's House of Commons easily passed M-103, a non-binding motion which

Man who Defied Hitler is Officially Recognized as Martyr by Pope Francis and Beatified

Joseph Mayr-Nusser, killed for refusing to swear an oath to Hitler, has been beatified. Joseph Mayr-Nusser, an Italian who refused to take the oath