Which Religious Groups are the Most Educated?

Muslims and Hindus are the lowest educated groups, but both are making gigantic leaps in increasing their education levels. The most highly educated are

Pope Francis Sends Letter to Syrian President Urging to Maintain Peace

The Pope has urged Bashar-al Assad to uphold the laws of humanity in Syria through a letter sent through Cardinal Mario Zenari. The situation

Pope Francis Turns 80 on Saturday: Here’s How to Send Him A Birthday Greeting

Ahead of the 80th birthday of Pope Francis, email addresses in eight languages are allowing the faithful to send their wishes. The Vatican has

This is Why Muslims in Italy are Celebrating Christmas

Italy's Muslim refugees are joining in on Christmas festivities to assimilate into the culture. In a country where 95 percent of the population is

No Gay Catholic Priests, Vatican Reaffirms

The document is a reaffirmation of a 2005 statement by the Church that gay men should not be admitted into seminaries. The Vatican has

Winter Religious Holidays Around the World [Infographic]

Share this Infographic on Your Site Source: WorldReligionNews.com Click to Enlarge Share this Infographic on Your Site Source: WorldReligionNews.com Winter Religious Holidays Around the

Pope Compares Spreading of Fake News to Feces Obsession

"Disinformation is probably the greatest damage that the media can do," said Pope Francis. In an interview for the Wednesday issue of a Belgian

A Look At the Origins of the Feast of the Immaculate Conception

The history of the Catholic celebration of the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. December 8 marks one of the most significant dates in the

20 Gift Ideas for the Christian or Jew on Your List

Our religious gift guide for the 2016 holiday season. One of the best parts of Hanukkah and Christmas is the tradition of gift-giving. While

The Story of St. Nicholas

St. Nicholas Day: Remembering the real St. Nicholas. The feast of Saint Nicholas is celebrated on December 6 for western Christian countries while in