Anne Frank Diary, St Nicholas Church, Kiel, Germany

Eighty Years Later They’re Still Scared of Anne Frank

Eighty years after her death, a teenage girl still strikes terror into the hearts of bigots, haters and the fools who follow them. In

Book returned

Lost in the Holocaust, He Returned To His Family 79 Years Later Through A Recovered Book of Scripture

It might have made a great movie script, but rejected out of hand as too incredible to be believed—yet it happened. A 13-year-old boy—a

Religious News from Around the Web, Jan 27th 2020

Indian Women Unite vs CAA, Falun Gong, Holocaust Property, Rohingya Ruling, Lutherans Pack 10 Million Meals, Religious School Funding India’s CAA Unites Religions India’s

WRN News: Shtetl Market, Married Priests, Communist Reincarnation, Transgender, Vaccine Refusal

Hasidic Jews Find New “Shtetl Market” Shtetl – small Eastern European Jewish villages before the Holocaust – had busy local markets, which Hasidic Jews

Here We Are Again: Confronting the Rise of Religious Persecution

On Sept. 23rd, President Trump convened a meeting on religious freedom at the UN, surrounded by survivors of religious persecution from around the globe,

Pastafarians and the Jesters

To become a Catholic Priest or a Jewish Rabbi requires years of training and study. To become a Buddhist Monk one must give up

Jews Protesting Amazon’s Business with ICE Arrested

Jews Protesting Amazon’s Business with ICE Arrested

40 Jews were arrested in New York protesting Amazon. A protest of Amazon's work with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) saw forty Jews arrested[/tweetit]

NSA Appoints Orthodox Jewish Woman Cybersecurity Head

NSA Appoints Orthodox Jewish Woman Cybersecurity Head

Anne Neuberger will become one of the highest-ranking women in the NSA The United States National Security Agency (NSA) has named an orthodox Jewish

Pink Responds to Comments Photo of Her Kids Running in the Holocaust Memorial

Pink Responds to Criticism Over Her Kids Running in the Holocaust Memorial

"The very person who constructed this believed in children being children...Please keep your hatred and judgment to yourselves" Superstar Pink posted several pictures on

Israeli Education Minister Calls U.S. Jew Intermarriage ‘Second Holocaust’

Israeli Education Minister Calls U.S. Jew Intermarriage ‘Second Holocaust’

A study's findings from nearly 30 years ago which reported that 52 percent of Jews were married to non-Jews Many Israeli leaders have publicly