This investigative series explores Wikipedia’s complex policies on reliable sources, focusing on their application to religious topics. Inspired by the article “Reliable Sources: How Wikipedia Admin David Gerard Launders His Grudges Into the Public Record,” the series aims to uncover bias, misinformation, and inaccuracies, promoting a more balanced and truthful online resource for religion and religious freedom.

We want to hear from you! If you are a religious leader, a parishioner, or a Wikipedia editor who has come across something in this area, we encourage you to contact us at Your insights and expertise are very valuable in ensuring that accurate and comprehensive information is available to the public.

Wikipedia and Religions Editors

Top Wikipedia Editors and Most-Viewed Religious Pages: A Comprehensive List

This article is part of a Wikipedia Religious UnReliable Sources series. The list of top Wikipedia editors who focus on religion can be dynamic

Wikipedia on Buddhism

Wikipedia and Buddhism: An Analysis of Reliability and Bias in the World’s Largest Online Encyclopedia

Introduction Wikipedia has become ubiquitous; for most people, it is the initial port of call for information on such a wide array of topics

A bald 57-year-old goth standing in the middle of a web of citations, 1900-style illustration, colored etching, art deco, epic / A bald 57-year-old goth standing in the middle of a web of citations, 1900-style illustration, colored etching, art deco…

Reliable Sources: How Wikipedia Admin David Gerard Launders His Grudges Into the Public Record

This article is part of a Wikipedia Religious UnReliable Sources series. A love story Introduction: Reliable Sources Wikipedia administrator David Gerard cares a great

Wikipedia Religious Un-Reliable Sources

Wikipedia Religious UnReliable Sources: Series Introduction

World Religion News is proud to announce a new series: “Wikipedia Religious UnReliable Sources”. This investigative series delves into the complex world of Wikipedia’s